About Kautilya Academy:

Education has multidimensional purpose, but with changing circumstances priorities of Education changes. In present time, Employment and Education are intricately linked, but despite having talent and resources our region has been continuously lagging behind in Employment and Education both.

Our leadership is far from good and the things responsible for this bad performance are lack of awareness, motivation and healthy education. In addition to it, not having direction and a pin point strategy and lack of an institution are responsible for this. The rise of Kautilya academy is to tackle all these profound problems. The goal is to mould students to tackle challenges in this modern competitive world. The broad of point of view of this academy is prepared and is as under.

Kautilya Basic Program includes:

From starting the students will be prepared for various competitive exams such as Military, sainik and Jawahar Navodaya which will also prepare students for other competitive exams.